
Welcome to the Fode and Beed show! I’m rythos42 and you’ll meet my co-host ArmchairJedi in a bit.

This Podcast

Coming out of the VWC last year, ArmchairJedi wanted to do more with the charts and numbers of the event, and I wanted to do a podcast, and so this project was born. Our plan is to do a short-run podcast, only about the length of the 2022 VWC, with 1 episode per week for about 13-14 episodes total. Our intention is to talk about the “meta” of the tournament, and mostly the highlights — the pods, the people, some of the matchups. We’re going to keep the episodes to 45 minutes or less in order to give ourselves a constraint to jam as much interesting ideas into the smallest amount of time we can.

I think that the format of this event creates some very interesting stories that we want to tell. For example, last year ArmchairJedi and I were in the same pod and in the last round we were matched up, with the winner going to the Swiss rounds. I had beaten him at every practice game we’d played. This was an interesting game! We’ll go into some other interesting highlights from last year in our first episode.

If you have a cool story, please reach out to us at fodeandbeedarmada@gmail.com. Your stories are worth telling, and they help shape the feel of the event!

Your Hosts

ArmchairJedi and myself started playing in 2017 when I got a Core box from a rewards program at work. We both have extensive experience in other wargames – 40k, Malifaux, Blood Bowl for example, since we were much younger than we are now.

We split the box up, with me taking the Rebels and him taking the Imperials. We played in a number of local events, sometimes doing well and sometimes doing quite poorly. COVID really ramped up our interest in the online game, and we’ve been playing in most of the Green Knight-organized events since!