Category: Episodes

S2E0 – A New Beginning!

raely42 and ArmchairJedi discuss minor format changes to the podcast and what they’re looking forward to in this years event.

Ep11 – The Rise of Sam

rythos42 and ArmchairJedi talk with our local Maturin about some statistics from the event.

Ep10 – The Last Match

rythos42 and ArmchairJedi talk with Sam about his journey to the finals and ultimately his victory!

Ep9 – The Elimination Awakens

rythos42 and ArmchairJedi talk with Louis-Andre about his journey to the finals!

Ep8 – Return of the Swiss

rythos42 and ArmchairJedi interview TheRealNeal99 and go over the last round of the Swiss.

Ep7 – The Swiss Strikes Back

rythos42 and ArmchairJedi interview Paul and discuss the second round of the Swiss.

Ep6 – A New Swiss

rythos42 and ArmchairJedi interview Paul and discuss the second round of the Swiss.

Ep5 – Swiss One

rythos42 and ArmchairJedi interview InRobWeTrust and go over some of the first Swiss match-up results.

Ep4 – Revenge of the Pods

rythos42 and ArmchairJedi interview Pluisjen and go over the pod results and some of the first Swiss match-ups.

Ep3 – The Attack of the Pods

rythos42 interviews Doctah and ArmchairJedi provides a breakdown of this weeks event news.